82-41-M/032 Graphic Designer in Advertising (full-time study)
82-41-M/033 Interior Design (full-time study)
82-41-M/034 Industrial Product Forming - Industrial Design (full-time study)
82-41-M/035 Promotional graphic arts- print design (full-time study)
82-41-M/037 Artistic Porclain and Ceramics Design - Ceramics Production (full-time study)
82-41-M/038 Creative Processing of Ceramics and Porcelain - Oven Building (full-time study)
82-41-M/04 Industrial Design (full-time study)
82-41-M/04 Industrial Design (evening classes)
82-41-M/040 Artistic Glass Treatment - Glass Cutting and Cut Glass Decorating (full-time study)
82-41-M/041 Artistic Glass design - Metallurgical Glass Forming (full-time study)
82-41-M/042 Artistic Glass Design - Glass Forming, Painting and Etching (full-time study)
82-41-M/043 Creative Glass Processing - Glass Engraving (full-time study)
82-41-M/047 Textile Arts - Weaving (full-time study)
82-41-M/049 Textile Arts - Processing Craft Textiles by Hand (full-time study)
82-41-M/05 Graphic design (full-time study)
82-41-M/05 Graphic design (evening classes)
82-41-M/051 Textile Arts - Lace and Embroidery Creation (full-time study)
82-41-M/053 Textile design - creation of decorations from textile and natural materials (full-time study)
82-41-M/06 Artistic Processing of Metals and Precious Stones (full-time study)
82-41-M/07 Clothes Design (full-time study)