78-42-M/03 Pedagogical Lyceum (full-time study)
78-42-M/04 Medical Lyceum (full-time study)
78-42-M/05 Lyceum of Natural Science (full-time study)
78-42-M/05 Lyceum of Natural Science (distance study)
78-42-M/06 Combined Lyceum (full-time study)
78-62-C/01 One-year Practical School (full-time study)
78-62-C/02 Two-year Practical School (full-time study)
79-41-K/41 Gymnazium
(General Upper Secondary Education, full-time study)
79-41-K/41 Gymnazium
(General Upper Secondary Education, distance study)
79-41-K/61 Gymnazium
(General Upper Secondary Education, full-time study)
79-41-K/81 Gymnazium
(General Upper Secondary Education, full-time study)
79-42-K/41 Gymnazium – with focus on sports
(General Upper Secondary Education, full-time study)
79-43-K/61 Bilingual Upper Secondary School
(General Upper Secondary Education, full-time study)
82-41-M/01 Applied Painting (full-time study)
82-41-M/01 Applied Painting (evening classes)
82-41-M/02 Applied Photography and Media (full-time study)
82-41-M/02 Applied Photography and Media (evening classes)
82-41-M/026 Furniture Construction and Production (full-time study)
82-41-M/03 Stage and Exhibition Design (full-time study)
82-41-M/030 Wood Forming and Carving (full-time study)