26-51-H/01 Electrician (full-time study)
26-51-H/01 Electrician (distance study)
26-51-H/01 Electrician (distance study)
26-51-H/01 Electrician (combined study)
26-51-H/02 High Voltage Electrician (full-time study)
26-51-H/02 High Voltage Electrician (full-time study)
26-51-H/02 High Voltage Electrician (distance study)
26-51-H/02 High Voltage Electrician (distance study)
26-51-H/02 High Voltage Electrician (combined study)
26-52-H/01 Electromechanic for Equipment and Instruments (full-time study)
26-52-H/01 Electromechanic for Equipment and Instruments (full-time study)
26-52-H/01 Electromechanic for Equipment and Instruments (combined study)
26-57-H/01 Automotive Electrician (full-time study)
26-57-H/01 Automotive Electrician (full-time study)
26-59-H/01 Telecommunications Mechanic (full-time study)
28-41-M/01 Cellulose and Paper Technologies (full-time study)
28-42-L/01 Chemist Operator (full-time study)
28-42-L/51 Chemist Operator (full-time study)
28-42-L/51 Chemist Operator (distance study)
28-44-M/01 Applied Chemistry (full-time study)