16-01-M/01 Ecology and Environment (full-time study)
16-01-M/01 Ecology and Environment (distance study)
16-01-M/01 Ecology and Environment (evening classes)
16-02-M/01 Industrial Ecology (full-time study)
18-20-M/01 Information Technology (full-time study)
18-20-M/01 Information Technology (distance study)
21-42-M/01 Geotechnics (full-time study)
21-42-M/01 Geotechnics (distance study)
21-42-M/01 Geotechnics (evening classes)
21-43-L/01 Metallurgist Operator - Metallurgical Metal Forming (full-time study)
21-43-L/01 Metallurgist Operator - Production of Metals (full-time study)
21-43-M/01 Metallurgy (full-time study)
21-44-L/01 Technician for Moulding Equipment (full-time study)
21-44-M/01 Metallurgical Engineering (full-time study)
21-52-H/01 Metallurgist (full-time study)
21-53-H/01 Pattern-maker (full-time study)
21-55-H/01 Founder (full-time study)
23-41-M/01 Mechanical Engineering (full-time study)
23-41-M/01 Mechanical Engineering (full-time study)
23-43-L/51 Operation Technician (full-time study)