General competences:
- communicate independently and fluently in mother tongue, give reason for his own attitude;
- seek out essential information from the text and other sources;
- understand the task and solve simple problems, find the information necessary for the solution;
- work or learn under supervision with certain autonomy, apply basic rules and procedures;
- cooperate with others when solving simple problems and situations;
- apply basic mathematic skills to solve simple tasks;
- work with a personal computer and its basic and application software;
- apply principles of safety and health protection at work, fire protection and fire prevention;
- act in an environmentally-conscious manner and in compliance with strategies for sustainability;
- have a basic knowledge of career opportunities in the labor market and of the job search process.
Vocational competences:
- have an overview of the social service system in the Czech Republic;
- provide personal care of social services to clients, assist clients in dealing with common tasks and self-care;
- assist clients in dealing with personal issues, maintain contacts with the social environment and their activation;
- assist families in providing care for the child;
- assist clients to run household, perform routine cleaning, care for laundry and clothing, ensure shopping;
- communicate with clients properly, respect the principles of social behaviour, professional ethics and rights of clients;
- perform odd jobs in the preliminary food processing and preparation of food;
- prepare simple food and drink;
- comply with hygiene rules and regulations;
- carry out cleaning in social, accommodation and other services;
- sew and repair clothes and indoor decorations, ensure washing and ironing of laundry and clothing.