Czech Republic
Vysvědčení o maturitní zkoušce z oboru vzdělání:
75-31-M/01 Předškolní a mimoškolní pedagogika (dálkové studium)
(1) In the original language
Maturita Certificate in:
75-31-M/01 Pre-School and Leisure Pedagogy (distance study)
(2) This translation has no legal status.
General competences:
  • be familiar with various methods of learning, use sources of information well, show functional literacy;
  • understand assignments or identify the cores of problems, exert variable solutions, work both independently and within a team;
  • communicate in one foreign language at the level of at least B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages; 
  • cope with changing socio-economic conditions, be financially literate;
  • be aware of the labour market mechanisms, and of the employee-employer relationships, act on career decisions responsibly, understand the significance of lifelong learning;
  • use basic mathematics and the basic principles of physics and chemistry when needed in daily situations;
  • work with the means of information and communication technologies, exploit adequate sources of information, handle information effectively;
  • act in an environmentally-conscious manner and in compliance with strategies for sustainability;
  • support values of local, national, European and world cultures, recognize the value of life;
  • exert fundamentals of health protection, occupational safety, and fire prevention and safety;
  • exert norms and prescriptions in the field.

Vocational competences:

  • prepare and implement independently or in a team projects of educational work for groups of children and perform evaluation of these projects ;
  • consider individual traits and subjective needs of entrusted children, as well as the objective conditions within preparation and implementation of projects of educational work;
  • use educational strategies in accordance with the objectives and conditions of pedagogical work;
  • understand and systematically develop the inborn and acquired dispositions of children and specifically focus on developing their key competences;
  • lead children to a healthy way of life and enable children a lot of movement in a healthy natural environment;
  • develop in children a positive social relationships, their value system and lead them to prosocial behaviour;
  • create a child-friendly, secure and stimulating environment, supporting educational work, including the development of educational potentiality of each individual;
  • monitor and evaluate regularly and responsibly changes in the development of entrusted children and appropriately respond to them;
  • run the teaching / leisure activities, analyze pedagogical issues, propose, explain and argue their solutions;
  • handle basic activities (e.g. music, art, drama, etc.) appropriate to the age of entrusted children and use their own dispositions in these fields;
  • master techniques communication with parents or institutions;
  • continuously monitor the development of pedagogical theory and changes in educational policy, including legislative changes.
The graduate is employed in the middle management positions in the field of education and extra -curricular education, in work activities related to the performance of educational activities requiring pedagogical competence.
Examples of possible job positions: teacher in nursery school or in other facility for pre-school children; educator or teacher of leisure time in school facilities for out-of school education, especially in leisure, after-school clubs and school clubs; educator in school educational and boarding facilities, with the exception of school facilities, which require, for direct educational activities under § 16 (2) of Act No. 563/2004 Coll. On Pedagogical Staff, the university degree.
Name and status of the body awarding the certificate
Name and status of the national/regional authority providing accreditation/recognition of the certificate
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Karmelitská 7
118 12 Praha 1
Czech Republic
Level of the certificate (national or international)

Upper secondary education completed by the Maturita examination
ISCED 354, EQF 4
Grading scale
Result in the general section – success rate in % Czech language and literature, foreign language:
more than 87 % to 100 % excellent - 1
more than 73 % to 87 % commendable - 2
more than 58 % to 73 % good - 3
44 % to 58 % sufficient - 4
0 % and less than 44 % insufficient - 5
Mathematics and Advanced Mathematics:
more than 85 % to 100 % excellent - 1
more than 67 % to 85 % commendable - 2
more than 49 % to 67 % good - 3
33 % to 49 % sufficient - 4
0 % and less than 33 % insufficient - 5
Pass requirements
1 excellent (výborný)
2 very good (chvalitebný)
3 good (dobrý)
4 satisfactory (dostatečný)
5 fail (nedostatečný)
Overall assessment:
Prospěl s vyznamenáním: Pass with Honours (the average mark is ≤ 1,5)
Prospěl: Pass (an examination mark is not worse than 4)
Neprospěl: Fail (the examination mark in one or more subjects is 5)
Access to next level of education / training
ISCED 655/645/746, EQF 6 and EQF 7 (EQF7 only for Long first degree programmes at Master’s)
International agreements
Legal basis
Law No. 561/2004 on pre-school, basic, secondary, post-secondary and other education (School Act) as amended by later regulations
Law No. 563/2004 Coll. on pedagogical staff and on the Amendment to Some Other Acts
Ss. 22 and 24 of the Decree No. 177/2009 Coll., on Detailed Conditions for Completing Education by the School-leaving Examination in Secondary Schools, as amended.
Description of vocational education and training received Percentage of total programme Duration
  • School- / training centre-based
The ratio between theoretical education and practical training is defined by education providers themselves with regard to the respective educational programme and the employers´ needs.
  • Workplace-based
  • Accredited prior learning
Total duration of the education / training leading to the certificate 4-5 years / 800-1 100 consultation lessons

stamp and signature

Done at Prague for the school year 2023/2024

Entry requirements

Completed compulsory school education

Additional information

More information (including a description of the national qualifications system) available at: EQF, EURYDICE, NPI


National Pedagogical Institute of the Czech Republic – National Europass Centre Czech Republic, Senovážné nám. 872/25,
110 00 Praha 1

(*) Explanatory note
The Certificate supplement provides additional information about the certificate and does not have any legal status in itself. Its format is based on
the Decision (EU) 2018/646 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 April 2018 on a common framework for the provision of better
services for skills and qualifications (Europass) and repealing Decision No 2241/2004/EC.
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