Czech Republic
Vysvědčení o maturitní zkoušce z oboru vzdělání:
53-43-M/01 Laboratorní asistent (denní studium)
(1) In the original language
Maturita Certificate in:
53-43-M/01 Laboratory Assistant (full-time study)
(2) This translation has no legal status.
General competences:
  • be familiar with various methods of learning, use sources of information well, show functional literacy;
  • understand assignments or identify the cores of problems, exert variable solutions, work both independently and within a team;
  • communicate in one foreign language at the level of at least B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages; 
  • cope with changing socio-economic conditions, be financially literate;
  • be aware of the labour market mechanisms, and of the employee-employer relationships, act on career decisions responsibly, understand the significance of lifelong learning;
  • use basic mathematics and the basic principles of physics and chemistry when needed in daily situations;
  • work with the means of information and communication technologies, exploit adequate sources of information, handle information effectively;
  • act in an environmentally-conscious manner and in compliance with strategies for sustainability;
  • support values of local, national, European and world cultures, recognize the value of life;
  • exert fundamentals of health protection, occupational safety, and fire prevention and safety;
  • exert norms and prescriptions in the field.

Vocational competences:

  • identify samples of biological material or other investigated materials, assess their quality for the required laboratory tests, ensure their processing and subsequent disposal;
  • prepare materials for laboratory activities;
  • store laboratory chemicals and sets and check their shelf -life;
  • use instrumentation and laboratory equipment and ensure its routine maintenance;
  • perform professional activities with the use of laboratory animals in connection with research and diagnostic activities, e.g. application of medicaments, sampling of biological material, toxicity tests;
  • perform non-invasive biological material sampling and venous and capillary blood sampling;
  • perform basic laboratory measurements and examinations;
  • participate in the acceptance, control, handling and storage of medicinal products;
  • participate in the acceptance, control, handling and storage of medical devices;
  • participate in the disinfection and sterilization of medical devices and ensure their adequate supplies;
  • work with medical documentation.
The graduate will be employed as a healthcare specialist in the labs of clinical biochemistry, hematology, transfusion services, histology, microbiology and immunology and other clinical laboratories.
Job position: laboratory assistant.
Name and status of the body awarding the certificate
Name and status of the national/regional authority providing accreditation/recognition of the certificate
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Karmelitská 7
118 12 Praha 1
Czech Republic
Level of the certificate (national or international)

Upper secondary education completed by the Maturita examination
ISCED 354, EQF 4
Grading scale
Result in the general section – success rate in % Czech language and literature, foreign language: more than 87 % to 100 % excellent - 1
more than 73 % to 87 % commendable - 2
more than 58 % to 73 % good - 3
44 % to 58 % sufficient - 4
0 % and less than 44 % insufficient - 5
Mathematics and Advanced Mathematics:
more than 85 % to 100 % excellent - 1
more than 67 % to 85 % commendable - 2
more than 49 % to 67 % good - 3
33 % to 49 % sufficient - 4
0 % and less than 33 % insufficient - 5
Pass requirements
1 excellent (výborný)
2 very good (chvalitebný)
3 good (dobrý)
4 satisfactory (dostatečný)
5 fail (nedostatečný)
Overall assessment:
Prospěl s vyznamenáním: Pass with Honours (the average mark is ≤ 1,5)
Prospěl: Pass (an examination mark is not worse than 4)
Neprospěl: Fail (the examination mark in one or more subjects is 5)
Access to next level of education / training
ISCED 655/645/746, EQF 6 and EQF 7 (EQF7 only for Long first degree programmes at Master’s)
International agreements
Legal basis
Law No. 561/2004 on pre-school, basic, secondary, post-secondary and other education (School Act) as amended by later regulations
Law No.96/2004 on conditions for the acquisition and recognition of competences for performing non-medical occupations and activities connected with medical care as amended by later regulations (the law on non-medical occupations) and regulations relating to this issue
Ss. 22 and 24 of the Decree No. 177/2009 Coll., on Detailed Conditions for Completing Education by the School-leaving Examination in Secondary Schools, as amended.
6. Officially recognised ways of acquiring the certificate
Description of vocational education and training received Percentage of total programme Duration
  • School- / training centre-based
78 3 196
  • Workplace-based
22 900
  • Accredited prior learning
Total duration of the education / training leading to the certificate 4 years / 4 096 lessons

stamp and signature

Done at Prague for the school year 2023/2024

Entry requirements

Completed compulsory school education
Additional information

More information (including a description of the national qualifications system) available at: EQF, EURYDICE, NPI


National Pedagogical Institute of the Czech Republic – National Europass Centre Czech Republic, Senovážné nám. 872/25,
110 00 Praha


(*) Explanatory note
The Certificate supplement provides additional information about the certificate and does not have any legal status in itself. Its format is based on
the Decision (EU) 2018/646 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 April 2018 on a common framework for the provision of better
services for skills and qualifications (Europass) and repealing Decision No 2241/2004/EC.
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